In the opening credits, which Monkee opens his wetsuit to reveal a dry dress suit?
Ref: Opening credits for one, T V & Film Vault, yes
folks it starts already
Point of interest this actually was filmed for the Pilot and was used in the
opening sequence of the original thing, not sure if it was placed in the eppi
Name 5 members of the Syndicate to which the Purple Flower Gang belongs:
Fuselli, Benny The Book, Big Flora, Paddy The Fix, Red O’Leary & Rocco
Ref: Monkees A La Carte, and go on guess
In "The Spy That Came in From the Cool," what does Peter think about demonstrations?
‘It’s the only way to sell vacuum cleaners’
Ref: The Spy Who Came In From The Cool watch it and
Name the three Monkees' neighbors in "Monkee Mayor."
Mr Swezey, Mrs Homer, Mrs Filcholk
Ref: Monkee Mayor and…………
In the airport Peter runs around screaming, "Don't fly too close the sun or your wings will melt!!" What fable is this in reference to?
Ref: Look up your Greek classics it’s one of the big
ones. He built feathers from wax rope and feathers soared high into the sky too
near the sun and one fried Iccarus plummets to his death. You live and learn
What is the Big Man's name?
Mr Kowalkski, Mrs Kowalkski, Bessie Kowalkski, Bessie,
Ref: Ghost Town,
, Micky is there cause he pretended to be the big man who just so happened to
sound a tad like Jimmy Cagney! You got full marks for one of the answers , bonus
points for any more given.
What two episodes do the Monkees say "Well, that's show business!" as the episode's closing line?
Ghost Town & Monkees Paw
Ref: Watch the eppis, trust in us or go to….. http://members.tripod.com/~ahiii/monkeesfilmTV.html
In the Fairy Tale episode, we see Peter in an "impenetrable gray suit of maille." In what other episodes do we see this suit?
Monkees Mind Their Manor [duel between Davy and Twiggly], Some
Like It Lukewarm [Daphne wears it]
Ref: Watch the eppis, http://members.tripod.com/~ahiii/monkeesfilmTV.html
In an interview in the 60s, a friend describes one of the Monkees.
Which Monkee is it?
>"I often wondered how _______ could concentrate with so much was going on
>around him, but some his photographic mind digests a script just as easily as he digests a plate of lamb chops — which happens to be his favorite food."
Ref: ‘Here We Are!’ Tiger Beat mail order magazine page
28 said by his friend Jeff Neal.
What group hit #48 on the US pop chart with "The Story of Rock
'n' Roll" in 1968, about one year after the Monkees attempted to record
The Turtles
Incidentally it came #37 in the Cashbox charts the one in the question was
Who runs up to the camera at the end of the Pleasang Valley Sunday video? (Click the window to drop down the menu of choices).
Ref: Monkee Mayor watch the eppi. It’s probably also on
the Monkees CD ROM thingy too.
Which Monkees were to be replaced during filming of the Monkees series at various times and what were the reasons they were to be replaced?
All of them and for the following reasons:
Mike - Too much trouble recording-wise.
Boyce, Hart and Kirshner thought he was a total pain
set up a meeting with Wayne Erwin. Kirshner told of how he was going to get rid
of Mike and would he like to be first choice as replacement. Of course Kirsh
never got his way here.
Ref: Total Control pgs 47 & 48
Micky - Draft papers came through.
Thought his Perthese disease would be the saver but
found they didn’t care, in the end depending on his mood it was either his poor
eyesight or he was too skinny that saved him.
Ref: I’m A Believer pgs 86 - 89
Davy - Draft papers came through. He was considered a valid US troop due to
paying tax to Uncle Sam, stories are he paid someone who knew how to get him out
of it and found they ‘lost’ all the J files that the army had, a petition was
started definitely in the UK and sent to the US embassy to tell them where to
go, he began to starve himself. Depending on his mood it was either the fact he
was too thin, too small, married or his fathers sole provider. Tim Rooney is
rumoured to have been considered as a replacement.
Ref: They Made A Monkee Out Of Me pgs 90 & 91, Daydream Believin’ pgs 128 & 129,
Monkeemania pgs 61 & 62
Peter - Just wanted to leave because it wasn’t what he wanted. He was actually
talked out of leaving at least twice very early on. Bill Chadwick was considered
as his replacement due to musical ability.
Ref: Monkeemania pg 76, Peter has made references to
this many times in many interviews.
Who opted for the pay by profit scheme from "Head" & what happened?
Thinking he was an astute businessman he wanted to be paid by profits, not a
salary/ chunk like the other 3 decided on. He got bot all cause the film bombed!
This was probably one of the reasons he didn’t go on strike with the others as
he felt he’d get more moola if waiting for the profits, also he was about to
leave so rocking the boat wouldn’t have been too bright.
Ref: Mojo Magazine June Edition pg 48.
Who was arrested in New York City for promoting "Head"?
Jack Nicholson & Bob Rafelson, due to accosting a cop
with a Head sticker.
Ref: Monkeemania pg 100, Hey Hey We're The Monkees [Bronson] pg148
On the song "Lady's Baby" (US Rhino CD release of The Birds, The Bees, and The Monkees) Peter used a baby's cooing noises. Name the baby.
Justin Harvey Hammer
Justin is the Baby of the title his mum Karen was Lady,
Peter dated her definitely during 67 he was with her at Monterey, and until
definitely January 68 she went to the UK with him. She eventually married Bob
Hammer in July 68 who helped to create BRINCO.
Ref: Birds, Bees, Monkees CD liner notes, also lots on
the web.
Upon arriving in Australia in 1968, customs agents confiscated a book from Peter. Name the book and the author.
The Naked Lunch, William S. Burroughs
Ref: Monkeemania pg 106, Monkees Talk Downunder CD
liner notes by the same guy who wrote Monkeemania
What is so strange about the UK video release of 33 1/3 compared to the US single cassette release [Not the box set the single cassette]?
It’s not shown in broadcast order, the sequences are
all to pot, however when I got to see the broadcast order tape it still made no
sense at all! It wasn’t as easy as just covers but you got points if you
mentioned that, if it were covers then the other tape wouldn’t have been
mentioned folks!
Ref: Watch the UK tape and the US tape. Or go to the
Film TV Vault you should know where to find the link by now.
What Derek and the Dominoes song did Mike cover in his solo career and who wrote it?
I Looked Away by Eric Clapton & Bobby Whitlock
by the way Eric is Derek!
Which Monkee called himself "a real idiot" about his appearance on the "Tonight
Show" in 1969? Why?
Ref: Present CD liner notes, he babbled about things he
was into at the time, holograms, polygraph tests and a TV Guide article ‘How To
Hog The Camera Without Seeming Too Pushy On The Talk Shows’.
What was the name of the video show that Michael Nesmith had on Nickelodeon? Which Monkee relative was a host for it?
Pop Clips, Coco Dolenz
Ref: Total Control, E! Hollywood True Stories. This is
the show which spawned MTV the show Mike was too busy to go on with and just
gave away!
What Nez tune is about "complex adaptive systems"?
Yellow Butterfly, yes it is chaos theory!
Ref: Live At The Britt CD and video, also a lot of live
Nez bootlegs of that time.
On the show "Spyography" Peter said the Monkees had asked a certain person to be the fifth Monkee but unfortunately this person was frozen. Name the person to which Peter is referring.
Austin Powers
http://melhi.freeyellow.com/poptvfaq.txt IMDb
http://www.imdb.com/ look up Austin Powers The Spy Who Shagged Me and you’ll see
it’s on the DVD as a bonus
Which Monkee's 1997 rider reads that he must have 1 bottle extra strength
Tylenol in his dressing room (among other items)
What is Davy's grandson's name?
Harrison Rand Jones McFadden
Ref: http://www.davyjones.net Harry for short due to
Davy’s dad and Rand is a McFadden family name.
What do the movies "Alien Resurrection," "Parenthood," and "St. Elmo's Fire" have to do with a Monkee? (I Like These, Abi!)
Winona Ryder, Jason Robards, Rob Lowe starred in the
films mentioned and in Squaredance aka Home Is Where the Heart Is, of course
Mike produced the film.
Ref: IMDb http://www.imdb.com/, The films watch them Total Control pg 297